Hello there, dear readers!

I cannot apologize enough for my negligence in keeping this blog updated during my PNT hike!! I assure you, I had every intention of staying on top of it! As you may know from following along, it was very difficult to find the time to dedicate to the blog. I didn’t want to post a poor blog and I was torn between spending time in town tending to other matters/socializing and dedicating a bunch of time to uploading photos (which often took hours!). Many of the towns we stopped in had poor wifi signals and even if I had everything geared up, it would sometimes fail at the last minute. It became too frustrating to deal with, so I tabled it for the end of the hike.

After the hike, I had a very difficult reentry into society/life. I took on a huge responsibility helping a friend and I found myself with no spare time or energy to get into the swing of posting again…but that is a whole other story!

Fortunately, that’s all over now and I’m ready to finish what I started! I did keep a diligent journal, and I will be updating the rest of the hike here over the next week or so. I appreciate your patience as I finish the task at hand and I hope you enjoy the final weeks of my hike as much as I did!


Dust Bunny