I’m sitting out in the woods wondering what is going on in the world, when it occured to me that you out in the world may be wondering what is going on in the woods. And though I may not actually want to know what is going on out there (I mean, I do…but I’m also a bit cautious to learn about it), I’ll happily share my musings as I continue my travels through the Southwestern US.

I started my current ‘trek’ on April 25th and I’m sorry to have been negligent in my communication both here and through other means. Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am downright horrible about keeping in touch, no matter how enthusiastically I set my intentions to be better. So please know that even if you do not hear from me directly, I think about it often and I feel like a huge jerk sometimes for letting it get by me once again. As I say out on the road, “when there is cell service there is no time, but when there is time there is no service.” Such is life.

So, at any rate…I’m currently in Arizona on a pre hike/vitamin D getting/hike training/desert viewing extravaganza. This is the precursor to entries I will write about each little segment of this trip, but I had to break the ice first and let you all know that I’m still here, I’m still hiking and I’m still writing about it here. So strap in because soon the stories will begin…even if they are behind me, they will help me get back in the groove of sharing my adventures because the next hike begins in just over a month! 

Here is a desert view to whet your appetite.